Tuesday 11 June 2013

procedure for smartboard access for low vision students

A couple of years ago i developed a procedure to give my students smartboard access via the iPad. This means that students can sit anywhere in the class and have comfortable access to board demonstrations.  I had to develop a particular procedure that ensured that teachers were aware when the student was looking at their screen and a procedure that used software that was free/low cost and could be used with appropriate permissions.

I came up with a VNC procedure that is ready to be integrated into most school networks for free- across any operating system- please let me know if you have trouble setting this up as over the last couple of years i've done a lot of problem solving and i'm happy to amend the procedure depending on the issues other people come across when using this procedure.

I'm happy to report that this procedure was a little complex at first but now takes me about 5 minutes to set up a computer and iPad, and it offers our students that still use their vision to access content unprecedented access to the board.

Id be interested in any comments, questions or suggestions about this procedure! Happy teaching!


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